Posted by: nannashomemaking | October 12, 2007

A *New* Restaurant

Wow!  I surely took a trip down Memory Lane today, and I took my son with me!  You see, a *new* restaurant opened up here in town.  It’s not new to some, but it’s new to this area of the country.  It’s a restaurant I grew up with *down home*, except it was also a drive-in down there.  What’s the name of it?  Why, Steak ‘n Shake, of course! 


Yes, I enjoyed a Steakburger (with cheese) platter today.  Oh, my, the shoestring fries and baked beans (served in their own little bean pot) were as yummy as I remembered, and the steakburger was absolutely delicious!  My son had the *gourmet* steakburger with portabello mushrooms and fancy cheese, but I had my old favorite.  When he saw the grease on his plate afterward, he made a comment about feeling his arteries clogging just seeing it, but that’s okay.  I explained to him that every once in a blue moon it won’t hurt to have a good old-fashioned hamburger!  (I guess after seeing his Mama have 3 heart attacks, he’s decided to take good care of his health!).  Anyhow, we had a wonderful dinner, and my trip down Memory Lane, with its wonderful food, black and white squares decor, and smiling waitresses was quite enjoyable.  I hope to visit there again during the upcoming Christmas season.  And, since it’s up close to the mall, I’ll have a good reason!  After all, I’ll be up there anyway, picking up the bargains at Joanne’s Fabrics!


Cynthia Robin

Posted by: nannashomemaking | October 6, 2007

Another Season…

has begun.  Yes, it is now Autumn here in West Virginia, and the leaves are at the beginning of their time of changing.  They’ll go from their lovely green colors and almost overnight will transform into gorgeous displays of reds, yellows, and oranges.  In some areas it will seem that these hills come alive and just glow, giving a wonderful show for any spectator blessed to see them! 

As you can tell, this is my favorite time of the year.  I go into my *nesting mode* and want to clean and cozy up my home for the winter.  I put the light colors away, and pull out the heavier fabrics and darker colors, soft and nubby textures, and enjoy the scents of my own baking emanating from the kitchen.  The charcoal grill is cleaned and put away for next year, the oven is cleaned and made ready for the many pies, cakes, cookies, breads and casseroles that will pass through it, the heavier comforter replaces the lightweight bedspread of the summer.  I harvest the last of my fresh flowers before the first heavy frost hits, and adorn my home with their loveliness.  Soon, they will be replaced with silk flower arrangements placed strategically here and there.  The air conditioners are turned off and the windows thrown open wide to allow the cooler breezes to blow the summer air away, and bring in the crispness of the Autumn season.  Oh, yes, this is my favorite time of the year!

This is also the time when I begin to take stock of my tea stash.  I like to have hot tea-lots of hot tea!-in the cooler months, and there are many that I like.  I’m not a fan of green teas, but I do like Bigelow’s Vanilla Chai, Celestial Seasonings Blueberry, Bigelow’s Vanilla Caramel (I think it’s by Bigelow?), and a few others, such as Peach and Berry (the Berry is by Lipton, I think, and is in a triangular tea bag). 

I also make preparations for the upcoming Winter weather.  I make sure I have an ample supply of flour, yeast, powdered milk, powdered creamer (~gasp-but yes, I do use it in an emergency situation!~), and lots of canned veggies, soups, meats for stews and casseroles, and dried beans and pastas.  You see, every few years, West Virginia gets a big snow.  Oh, perhaps nothing major to some parts of the country, but our region cannot handle large amounts.  We don’t have enough salt trucks to keep the roads clear, nor a large enough supply of salt if we did have enough trucks!  I’ve never quite understood this, but I suppose since it’s only about once a decade that we actually get *snowed in* for a few days, it’s nothing to complain about.  This gal enjoys those times–the joys of staying home and hibernating are immensely pleasurable to me!  I fix a cup of tea, or hot chocolate, have some yummy soup and homemade bread, and spend my time quilting, sewing, and writing.  I occasionally pop a movie in the DVD player and allow myself to be swept into another time and place via the television.  I’m not a big fan of television, but I do like a few shows every now and then.  The weather forecasters are predicting the *big snow* this winter, so I’ll make sure I’m ready!

So as I settle down more and more with the season, you’ll probably find me posting more and more–that is, if I can leave my needle and thread long enough!


Cynthia Robin


Posted by: nannashomemaking | September 11, 2007


This is Patriot Day, and to read my post on this day, please visit my main blog at Nuggets of Wisdom

Thank you,

Cynthia Robin

Posted by: nannashomemaking | September 7, 2007

Time for a break!

Well, I finished up the last of my Finals for the Summer school quarter yesterday.  I’ll know the final scores for those classes next week.  I must say, it’s been a busy, busy summer!  I can’t remember the last time I was ever this busy–even when I had my daycare!  🙂

This morning I took my precious 4-yr old (almost 5!) granddaughter to the dentist for her first filling.  They didn’t even need to give her a shot to numb the area!  The cavity was so shallow, it just took them a few moments to clean it and fill it, and she didn’t even notice them doing it.  Wow!  Dentistry has surely come a long way in the last 35 years!  My grandson had 2 filled yesterday, but his had to be numbed.  He had some pain after it wore off, but I’m sure he’s doing fine now.  He was already at school when I picked Cayla up this morning, but Robert said he was okay when he dropped him off.

I’ll be making a big pan of Old-Fashioned Banana Pudding today to take to the S.A.M. meeting tonight at church.  S.A.M. is the Single Adults Ministry at my church, and we’ll be having many guests this evening.  Tonight is the big 9-11 Remembrance Service, and I’ll have the honor of serving dinner to many of our local soldiers.  This is truly a blessing for me, and everyone is very understanding when I get emotional during these services. 

My middle son is now out of Iraq and back on home turf once again, but it’s been a very long 6 years here.  He spent several deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is being very closed about the atrocities he witnessed.  I pray he’s speaking with counsellors, though. 

We need to keep all of our soldiers in prayer every day.  War is a horrible, horrible experience for everyone involved, but so often it’s necessary.  I have my own opinions about this one, which I will not share with anyone.  Suffice it to say the heart of this mother is trusting in the Lord.

I’ll be quite busy during this school break.  I’ll be working on an order from a precious sister for some hand-quilted items,  as well as trying to make extra time to design and construct a new satchel for my books next quarter.  I’d like to make one in a Fall theme, but if it doesn’t look like I’ll have time, I may go with a Christmas theme.  We’ll see.  Have no fear, I’ll post pics when I’m done. 

Well, I’d better get busy making that pudding for tonight.  I pray you have a most blessed and lovely weekend!


Cynthia Robin

Posted by: nannashomemaking | September 1, 2007

The Nice Matters Award

Several days ago, I was given this award by Pat  She is a very dear lady and a member of my fellowshipping group, KindredsSistersand Friends.  Thank you Pat!


Anyhow, I’m supposed to pass the award on, and I would like to pass it on to 2 ladies who mean very much to me.  They both publish my writings, and by going to their blogs, you’ll be able to sign up for your own copy of their publications!

First, I would like to give the award to Jill Novak.  She publishes The Girlhood Home Companion, and is a very dear lady.  I’ve spoken with her a few times on the phone, prayed with her, and been truly blessed to have her become a part of my life.  Thank you, Jill!

Next, I would like to give this award to Peggy Hostetler.  Peggy publishes The Simple Home Almanac, and has become very dear to me.  We’ve corresponded many times, and she has given me much inspiration and encouragement.  Thank you, Peggy!

Both of these ladies are truly precious, and they both greatly deserve this award.  They are both homeschooling mothers, and everyone can learn much from both of them in many areas.  I thank my Lord for allowing me the honor of *knowing* them, and for being blessed by them.

Hugs to all,

Cynthia Robin

Posted by: nannashomemaking | August 6, 2007

An Honor

I just thought I would share with my loyal readers here that I was blessed tonight to be inducted into the Honor Society at my school!  My current gpa is 3.92, and I truly felt honored to receive the lovely certificate below:


 And here is a picture of my grandchildren with me before we left:


It was a lovely ceremony, held at the Highlawn United Methodist Church here in Huntington, with a reception following in their fellowship hall.  I must say, I never expected to be honored in this way just for studying hard, but all things do have their rewards! 

Thank you for sharing this special time with me here!


Cynthia Robin

Posted by: nannashomemaking | August 1, 2007

Latest Issue

Just a brief note to let you know that my Nuggets of Wisdom Newsletter went out today.  It is a combined July/August issue, and is filled with a devotional, special recipe, craft idea, and links for you. 

If you haven’t signed up to receive your own copy, just click on the tab at the top of the page and you will be directed to my mailing list.  I’ll be sure to get the latest issue out to you right away!

Have a blessed day!

Cynthia Robin

Posted by: nannashomemaking | July 30, 2007

As Peaceful As A Flower…

I have a book that was given to me by my dear friend Betty several years ago.  The title of it is “Smell the Roses…Finding Simplicity in a Hectic World”, written and compiled by Ellyn Sanna.  Now, I found this book the other day, tucked in among many others on my bookshelf, and thought I would share bits and pieces of it here with you from time to time. 

We all live in a hectic world.  No matter how peaceful our life may be, no matter how *off the grid* we choose to live, we still live in the world, and it becomes more hectic and more dangerous every day.  Now, there isn’t much any of us can do about that, including politicians.  It would require ALL of the politicians ALL over the world coming together in one accord to truly bring peace to this world.  And that just isn’t going to happen.  But that’s another subject for another day. 

Here is the excerpt I’ve chosen to share with you today…enjoy!

As Peaceful as a Flower…

We complicate our lives when we borrow trouble from the future.  We waste our energy worrying about what might happen tomorrow; we become franctic and pressured looking at the many responsibilities on our to-do list for the next week; we lie awake obsessing over our plans for the upcoming month.

Meanwhile we miss the precious gift of peace that God has given us right here, right now, in this tiny present moment that touches eternity.  Be like the wildflowers, Jesus tells us in the Gospels, simply soaking up today’s sunshine:

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself” (Matthew 6:34). 

Children live the same way, delighting in the here and now, untroubled by the future.  When we can find that same wholehearted simplicity, we, too, will know the peace of God’s kingdom.

Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.

Luke 18:17




Posted by: nannashomemaking | July 28, 2007

My Birth Verse

My brother sent me an email today with a really neat link in it.  It takes you to a site that gives you the verse for the day you were born.  Now, I don’t always go along with these things, as I think all of the Bible is for everyone, but this one really fit me….

Mark 12:30 NIV
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

He included the verse for his birthday, as well, and his really fits him…

Joshua 1:9 NIV
…Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

My brother is very strong and very courageous.  There isn’t much that he’s afraid of, and there isn’t much that he can’t take care of.  But once in a while, I’m sure he does lean on the Lord and seek Him for that extra bit of strength and courage that may be needed, and I’m sure he knows that he is unable to handle anything without the divine direction, wisdom, and guidance of our Lord.

To find out your verse, just go to the website…

Have fun!


Cynthia Robin

Posted by: nannashomemaking | July 23, 2007

Just Another Day…

Have you ever wondered where the day(s) has/have gone to?  My goodness, it seems it was just yesterday that I wrote here, and I look, and it’s been over 3 weeks!  Yikes!  Shall I chalk it up to the busy-ness of Summer? 

Life has been busy here in my home, just as I’m sure it has yours.  Oh, I won’t go into details, but shall we say that I have more on my list to be done than what I seem to have the time to do? 

Why is that, I wonder?  Well, I’ve sat and pondered that question many times during my life, and the only answer I’ve been able to come up with, is that I get so busy living life and cherishing every moment of it that I don’t spend time on those things that aren’t of the highest priority at the time.

Let’s take today for instance.  I had 3 children here, 2 of my grandchildren and the other was my dear friend’s grandchild.  Now, here is a peek at my To-Do List:

  1. Morning Devotion
  2. Top priority emails
  3. Fix breakfast for the children
  4. Welcome the children as they arrive
  5. Laundry (2 loads done while children played at park)
  6. Continue prepping and freezing bell peppers
  7. Fill the wading pool
  8. Fix stuffed peppers for supper, with sides of fresh turnip greens and baked potatoes
  9. Journal the day
  10. Make CD of children’s stories for car listening (1 finished)
  11. Clean the bathroom
  12. Make my bed
  13. Write article for Jill
  14. Work on NOW newsletter
  15. Work on community newsletter (now 2 months being combined in one because I didn’t get it done for July in time)
  16. Spend some time studying-Excel advances and Visual Basic programming classes
  17. Blog (working on this one now!)
  18. Check out amusement park website for times/prices for tomorrow’s outing with grandchildren and son
  19. Manicure/pedicure?
  20. Touch up hair color

So, as you can see, just a little more than half of what *needed* to be done actually managed to get done!  Why is that?  Well, as the laundry was washing and drying, I played with the children at the park here for a couple of hours.  I had filled the wading pool this morning, and as they were all hot and sweaty from the park after the laundry finished, we came home and had a cool snack and then they hit the water!  Now, I won’t leave 3 children alone in a wading pool while I work on household chores.  I did manage to prep some of the peppers sitting at the kitchen table where I could see them, and they are frozen now.  The others are waiting to be chopped and flash frozen tomorrow evening (hopefully!). 

After the children had played in the water until they were too tired to play any more, we came in for a lunch appropriate for the day-ham sandwiches, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches (the children’s choice of which one they wanted), cold juice and water, cheeze nips, and there were celery and carrot sticks available.  Now, as we ate lunch, everyone seemed to land in front of the TV, and we all relaxed and watched a couple of movies appropriate for their ages.  Well, this Nanna was as worn out as the children at that point, so I curled up on the couch with them, and ended up dozing for a bit.  They woke me when it was time to change movies! 

My son came in and asked if we wanted to cook out for supper, and that sounded much simpler than the dinner I’d planned, as well as being easier on the air conditioning inside!  No heating up the oven!  So we fixed burgers on the grill and had some potato salad and cole slaw with it.  They left a little while ago, and I headed upstairs to get some things done on the computer.  I’ve copied their CD to listen to in the car (The Cinnamon Bear stories), checked out the website for tomorrow’s adventure, and am now doing a bit of blogging.  I have a feeling this is going to be it for the night, as I need to arise early and get some things done here at home before taking off for the day!

So, yes, the days do seem to kind of slip away at times, but that’s not always a bad thing.  Today was filled with priceless memories being made, children having the opportunity to enjoy being a child in the summertime, and the chance for me to enjoy just being Nanna!  Yes, this day was truly a blessing, and I will cherish it always. 

In my header picture, you will see some of my lovely zinnias out back (where I sit while the children play), and a little butterfly enjoying the sweet nectar from them.  Simple life blessings and joys-yes, this is most definitely Summertime!


Cynthia Robin

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